Revocatus Alex Nyefwe



Mr. Nyefwe is currently employed with Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) as Socio-economist and Agribusiness Specialist Stationed at Dakawa Research Centre in Mvomero, Mororgoro. He previously worked with the Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) located in Dodoma Region as a Lecturer in the Department of Development Finance and Management Studies for 10 years. He has also worked with Kilosa District Council as Trade Officer-II, Bombay-Burmer Tea Estate as Assistant Field Officer and Estate Manager. Mr. Nyefwe is a researcher, trainer, facilitator and consultant. He performed research, Consultancies and projects in community development at different levels. His competence is in Facilitation and Capacity building of Rural Micro finance, social economic and investment profiles, strategic plan development and agribusiness and marketing. He is also competent in Baseline data surveys, Group mobilization and sensitization. His expertise and experiences were accumulated from working with national and international organizations, such as Academic institutions: Bangor University (UK), SUA, MUCCOBS, ISW and IRDP; Government institutions: LGAs, NBS, TIE, TFDA, TMA, MDAs and Ministries;  NGOs: RLDC, REPOA, WWF, AWF, FINTRAC, DONET, MUVI, CSR and CARITAS; Research institutions: MDF(the Netherlands), IITA, SWRC, AERC and AGRA; and the International Organizations like AGRA, USAID, BTC, ILO, UNICEF, UNDP and IFAD.