Dr.Paul S.Saidia(TARI Ukiriguru Center Director and Nation Cotton Coordinator).
The motorized Rafiki Planter. It precisely sows seed cotton in a unit area of 1 acre for 45minutes-1hour.
The development of pre basic cotton seeds at Nkanziga cotton seed production center.
The secret behind TARICASS-4: It is an improved cassava variety capable of boasting the potential yield from 8.5tons/ha up to 60tons/ha.
Cotton growing farmers are advised to practice manual trimming for heathy cotton balls: Trimming of stem apex should be done at 70th day after sowing while lateral braches should be trimmed between 90th up to 100th day from the date of sowing.
Grafting process of cassava seedlings aiming at getting improved cassava variety
TARI Ukiriguru researchers speaking to one of the cotton farmers in Mayaha village in Singida region after inspecting a field farm planted by new planting guideline. From left is National cotton coordinator Dr Paul Saidia, researcher Dr Abdullah Mkiga (center) and Sollo Lameck Ngagaja a cotton farmer.
National cotton coordinator Dr Paul Saidia giving training to agriculture officer in Lupiro village Mr Menas Katimka on the new cotton planting technology that insists on 60cm X 30cm system.
A group photo of TARI Ukiriguru and Ilonga researchers after discussing on various issues about supervision of cotton crop in Morogoro region. From right is Dr Emmanuel Chilagane TARI Ilonga centre director, Dr Paul Saidia TARI Ukiriguru centre director also national cotton coordinator, Methusela Odedy researcher and head of cotton TARI Ilonga and Dr Abdullah Mkiga Acting Coordinator of the Department of Technology Transfer and Cooperation, TARI Ukiriguru.
Entrepreneurial farmers and producers of quality cassava seeds from Shinyanga, Geita and Kagera regions get training on the best way to produce quality seeds from TARI Ukiriguru researchers.
One of the best cassava seed farms available in the Geita region, with a size of 5 acres planted with improved varieties, TARICASS 4 cassava seeds in accordance with the best agricultural practices of Tari Ukiriguru researchers.
Mickdard Mpina, an entrepreneur and producer of quality cassava seeds giving information to a visitor after a visit to his farm in Geita region, Chigunga village. Mickdard is a retiree who decided to invest in agriculture to earn income.
Dr. Paul Saidia showing the MINJINGU FERTILISER White Diamond Pamba NPK
Special fertilizer brand for Cotton
Staff from Tanzania Cotton Board_TCB, Explaining on how cotton yield can be raised by using fertilizer_MINJINGU
Dr. Deus Peter, explaining the functionalities of MINJINGU fertiliser in Cotton
Groups of farmer assessing the performance of different rate of MINJINGU fertiliser applied
Staff from Tanzania Fertiliser Regulatory Autholity_TFRA, Listing the functions of TFRA
The Centre Director_CD; Dr. Heneriko Kulembeka welcoming the participants of Farmers Field Day of MINJINGU Fertiliser (White Diamond Pamba NPK)
Workshop of multiplication of Sweet Potato seed system by using SANDPONICS technology.
Facilitated By Mr. Bramwel W. Wanjala from International Potato Center "CIP"
The team of researcher from TARI UKIRIGURU listening to the NEW System of Seed Multiplication by SANDPONICS technology
The team of researchers from TARI UKIRIGURU learning on how SANDPONICS technology for multiplication of sweet potato seed
Farmers are advised to have timely checkup for pests and diseases affecting cotton in the farm so that they take measures to control them before they get worse. Any delay to realize the onset of pests and diseases to cotton plants in the farm makes the plants weak.
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Hon. Anthony Peter Mavunde (MP) Deputy Minister of Agriculture visit to TARI Ukiriguru on 18thMarch, 2022
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Wellcome to TARI- UKIRIGURU.
Dr.Paul Sabas Saidia giving opening remarks to members of General Assembly the UPSCALE Project held at Malaika Resort from 13-17, February,2023.
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TARI With its " Rafiki Planter" during Innovation Week in Tanzania, held recently at Jamhuri Stadium in Dodoma.
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The TARI Ukiriguru team of monitoring and evaluation, assessing the development of Push Pull technology at Nyamhongolo Agritech Hub.
The steering committee of Beyond Cotton Project held at Malaika Resort from 19th -20th September, 2023.
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Cassava mosaic disease (CMD).
Affects overall growth of the plant and production of tubers.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture Hon. David Ernest Silinde (MP)-First from right, getting explanation from a researcher Mr. Zachayo A.Machunde on the two node level multiplication technology of cassava improved varieties.
A cotton growing farmer, Mr.Kusekwa Safari Matonange practicing manual trimming of cotton in his farm located in Geita.
Members of The Project Cotton Victoria Sreering Committee witnessing the process of selling and buying cotton at Nguge AMCOSS located in Misungwi District-Mwanza region.
Dr Dausdedith Mbanzibwa listening to one of the innovator of the Rafiki Planter Dauson Mallela on how the machine operates.
Director for Research and Innovation Dr Dausdedieth Mbanzibwa speaking to TARI Ukiriguru staff in a meeting held at the centre’s conference hall.
A group photo between the Director for Research and Innovation Dr Dausdedieth Mbanzibwa (in blue t-shirt) with TARI Ukiriguru staff soon after the meeting.
Agroup photo between Kilimo Thabiti member partners with Mara regional administrative secretary Mr Gerlard Kusaya at the Mara regional office
TARI’s Director for Research and Innovation Dr.Deusdedith Mbanzibwa (left) shaking hands with Mara regional administrative secretary Mr Gerald Kusaya after briefing on the progress of Kilimo Thabiti project.
Kilimo Thabiti parner members witnessing a drip irrigation facility that was installed to one of the citizen scientists’ field under the Kilimo Thabiti project.
Mr. Peter Mashaka (first left) from TARI Ukiriguru, explaining to farmers on the productivity of improved groundnuts varieties during nanenane agricultural show August,2024 at Nyamhongolo-Mwanza.
Ms.Francisca Gwandu (first left) a researcher from TARI Ukiriguru, explaining to farmers on the productivity of improved cassava varieties while siting TARICASS 4- cassava variety as an example.
TARI Ukiriguru through Nyamhongolo Agritech Hub, worn the trophy during the Nanenane agricultural show August 2024.
TARI Ukiriguru through Nyakabindi Agritech Hub, worn the trophy during the Nanenane agricultural show August 2024.
Participants of the August,2024 Nanenane Agricultural show at Nyamhongolo Agritech Hub in a group photo after winning the trophy.
Participants of the August,2024 Nanenane Agricultural show at Nyakabindi Agritech Hub in a group after winning the trophy.
Appearance of orange fruit that has been affected by pest. The Fruit Tree Agroecological based IPM aims to manage pests without uses of chemicals that may affect orange market
Handeni district executive director Dr Juma Mhina giving explanation on how economy of Handeni residents depends much on fruit tree particularly mango and orange trees. He reveled that the coming of the fruit tree agroecological based IPM will contribute to productivity and economic growth.
TARI Ukiriguru researcher Dr Abdullah Mkiga attentively listening a contribution from farmer during the first day meeting of the integrated pest management meeting held the Hai district hall.
Researchers displaying about orchard sanitation technique especially the use of augmentorium in controlling pests. This technique involves maintaining cleanliness in the farm and setting a special net to trap the pests.
Dr. Paul Saidia the Director of the research center TARI Ukiriguru enjoying the event with the official guest, the acting Administrative Secretary of Mwanza Region Mr. Peter Kasele during the opening of the training for the Rapid stem multiplication of cassava and sweet potato using Tunnel system technology.
A group photo of training participants on the production of quality cassava and sweet potato seeds in a Rapid multiplication using Tunnel System Technology at Victoria Palace Hotel, Mwanza.
Dr. Roosevelt Perel researcher and technology explorer from the international organization Alliance Bioversity and CIAT in Colombia, providing training on the production of quality cassava and sweet potato seeds by Rapid multiplication using Tunnel System Technology.
Dr. Roosevelt Perel researcher and technology explorer from the international organization Alliance Bioversity and CIAT in Colombia, giving explanation on how to prepare quality materials for cassava and sweet potato rapid stem multiplication using Tunnel system technology.
Among of two Tunnels constructed at TARI Ukiriguru center used for cassava and sweet potato rapid stem multiplication.
Dr. Erick Delaguis and Dr. Roosevelt Perel, researcher and technology explorer from the international organization Alliance Bioversity and CIAT in Colombia, giving explanation to participants on how cassava and sweet potato rapid stem multiplication activity undertaken on seedbed from preparation, planting, irrigation and other management practices.
Farmers and other agricultural stakeholders in the Mvomero district-Morogoro region witnessing the performance of the Sunflower Rafiki Planter.
Minister of Education, Science, and Technology, Hon. Prof. Adolf Mkenda (Mp) handed over the recognition certificate to Rafiki Planter during the Science, Technology, and Innovation Conference & Exhibition(STICE) held at Julius Nyerere Convention Center in Dar es Salaam from 2nd -4th December 2024.
Lead innovator of the Rafiki planter prototype Dauson Malela (With microphone) explaining to Dutwa ward farmers in the Simiyu region how the planter operates in sowing sunflower seeds.
Simiyu Regional Commissioner Hon. Kenani Kihongosi trying to operate the Sunflower Rafiki planter prototype after getting information about how the planter operates in sowing sunflower seeds.
TARI Ukiriguru centre director Dr Paul Saidia (second from right) giving explanations to Simiyu Regional Commissioner Kenani Kihongosi (right) on the innovation that TARI has come up with in addressing the challenges that Tanzanian farmers have been facing during seed sowing.
Farmers looking at the Push-Pull field during the recent training held at the Nyakabindi Agritech hub.
Farmers looking at the Push-Pull field during the recent training held at the Nyakabindi Agritech hub.
Farmers in a group photo after field day learning