Mr. Vicent Juma Marwa
Email: vicent.marwa@tari.go.tz
Vicent Marwa works under the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) as an Agricultural Field Officer and Assistant focal person of the Knowledge and Communication on subsection under Department of Technology Transfer and Partnerships based at TARI Dakawa centre, Mvomero, Morogoro. He holds a Certificate in General Agriculture from St. John's University of Tanzania, graduated in 2015. He accumulated vast experience on Computer Applications and Internet Package when working with the National Election Council (NEC) under Biometric Voters Registration (BVR) as a BVR KIT Operator in Kikuyu and Mpwapwa (Dodoma) in 2015 and 2019, respectively. Similarly, the same was gained when participating in 2015 and 2020 General Elections in Njombe region. Moreover, in 2020 Marwa volunteered as Agricultural Field Officer and Interviewer with Engineers Without Borders (EWB 2020), which dealt with boreholes drilling aimed to improving standard of living of smallholder farmers through Agricultural endeavors at Ng'umbi and Chamhawi in Kongwa and Mpwapwa Dodoma, respectively. Also, he enjoys jogging after work hours, works under multicultural society settings, and is trustfully and workaholic.