Mr. Ibrahim Kusekwa Paul
Mr. Paul heads the Natural Resources Management and Agricultural
Engineering Research programme under the Department of Research and
Innovation at TARI Dakawa centre. The programme conducts research on agroforestry, soil fertility,
plant nutrition, conservation agriculture, soil and water management; climate
change; evaluation of labour serving equipment; soil mapping, land resources
inventory and evaluation; collaborative research on testing farm implements and
use of animal power traction. His research areas of interest are Digital
soil mapping, soil ecology, soil fertility, sustainable intensification, and climate
change impact on soil health and food production. Mr. Paul has been trained as Soil scientist and
Land management expert (M.Sc.) from Sokoine University of Agriculture. He also
did Bachelor of Science in Agronomy and graduated in 2013 from the same
University. He is currently serving as Rice agronomist at the centre, the area
which he has been working for, for more than seven years now.