Mr. Barnabas Justo Sitta
Email: barnaas.sitta@tari.go.tz
Barnabas Justo Sitta is a Tanzanian individual who possesses a broad range of expertise in the agricultural domain, specifically in areas of plant breeding, genetics, seed systems, agricultural consultancy, and training. He is presently engaged in the pursuit of a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Crop Science and Technology at the University of Dar Es Salaam, with the aim of enhancing his expertise in the field of Plant Breeding. Sitta has held positions in both private and public sectors. Working with Kagera Sugar Limited in 2013 - one of the prominent sugar companies in Tanzania - he held the position of Section Manager, assuming responsibilities of planning, cane production, and field supervision. From July 2013, he was employed and worked as an agricultural tutor with the public Livestock Training Agency based at the Mpwapwa, Dodoma his major role being to instruct students in various modules related to agriculture. A year after, in July 2014 Sitta moved to the Ministry of Agriculture, where since then to date, he works as Research Scientist (plant breeder) whose primary responsibility is the development of new genetically diverse populations and the subsequent release of novel varieties, the effort aims at effective addressing of various challenges posed by both biotic and abiotic stresses encountered by farmers in Tanzania.