KAFACI Projects Coordinator in Africa commends Rice Research done by TARI Dakawa
- 1st June, 2022 06:26
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"I commend the research work and the Tanzanian researchers for their hard work in researching," said Dr. Leebok.
The remarks were made by Dr. Leebok from Senegal, who is the KAFACI Project Coordinator in Africa, who visited the Dakawa Agricultural Research Center (TARI Dakawa) on 26/05/2022 to look at the ongoing rice research experiments being conducted at the center with KAFACI funding.
TARI Dakawa researchers, Ms. Ishika Mshaghuley (fifth from right) representing the TARI Director-General and KAFACI delegates on a memorial photo.
Trials including KAFACI and other breeding lines set at TARI Dakawa experimental field.