Farmers' field Day: A platform TARI Dakawa deploys to promote and enhance accelerated uptake of rice technologies by end-users
- 10th July, 2023 12:12
- News

A farmers’ field day (FFD) was conducted on the 23rd June 2023 at Mvumi Irrigation scheme in Kilosa district gathering about 92 participants, 68 males and 24 females.
The FFD aimed to bring to glance improved rice varieties including the newly released ones such as TARI RIC1, TARI RIC2 and TARI RIC3 in efforts to enhance their uptake and adoption to farmers and other stakeholders. Other varieties promoted were KOMBOKA and the popular TXD306 (SARO 5).
Farmers from Mvumi and villages involved formed a bigger group among the participants. Others were researchers, and agricultural extension workers from villages and Kilosa district office. Participants observed the performance of the rice varieties to their exposal in the field and selected the best according to their preference and criteria after researchers had explained the characteristic features/attributes of the five varieties established.