The centre provides several products to its clientele as follows;
i) Improved Maize seeds (T104, T105 and TH501),
ii) Improved seedlings (of indigenous fruit trees,oil palms cashew, mangoes, pawpaw),
iii) Vines of OFSP (Orange freshed sweet potatoes),
Maize is a major food crop for many farmers in the Tabora Region and the country as a whole. Most of the arable land in Tabora Region is located at an altitude of between 1000 and 1500 meters above sea level. There is moderately warm weather and a little cold in June. The region also experiences low rainfall, an average of 700 to 1000 millimeters per year and uneven distribution. Many farmers in the Region grow tobacco as their main crop. But they also cultivate maize for food.
Due to climate change sometimes, rainfall is delayed or delayed and is probably minimal or early before the maize is ripe. Many farmers grow poor varieties of maize seeds whose production is low.
As a result, the TARI Tumbi research center has produced new varieties of maize seeds that mature early, are drought tolerant, highly productive and are resistant to various diseases.
T 104
Features: -
v They thrive in the lower and middle zone (0m –1500m asl).
v It does not tolerate medium drought
v Matures early (average 104 –120 days)
v It yields a high yield, an average of 18 sacks per acre
v It lends well Sweet to burn, so suitable for horticulture.
v They are resistant to various diseases such as maize streak virus (MSV) .
Features: -
v They thrive in the lower and middle zone (0m –1500m asl).
v It does not tolerate medium drought
v They mature early (average 110–125 days) T105
v It yields a high yield,
an average of 20 - 22 sacks per acre
v It lends well
v It breaks very thick
v Sweet to burn, so suitable for horticulture.
v They are resistant to various diseases such as; maize streak virus (MSV),
v Gray leaf spot and leaf rust (Leaf rust)
TH 501
Its features; -
* It thrives well in the lower and middle zone 800 to 1500 meters above sea level.
* Contains resistance to maize weevil.
* Matures in 120 days
* Provides an average yield of 24 sacks per acre.
* It has a big seed
* It lends well
* It tolerates diseases; stripes of maize, gray leaves and leaf rust.