The United Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute

TARI Maruku

TARI Maruku is mandated to conduct banana research activities. The research activities are supported by different banana projects namely PROSSIVA, RTB . Different banana technologies through projects are displayed i.e On-farm through established demo plots and on different Agricultural exhibition  along Tanzania regions. Those technologies are the potential banana varieties such as TARIBAN 1, TARIBAN 2, TARIBAN 3, TARIBAN 4, FHIA 23, FHIA 17 and local varieties, also knowledge adoption on banana Agronomic practices such as opening trenches, basin and use of mulches, manure and fertilizer application, de-trushing, disease and pest management, harvesting and marketing  . Moreover, there is activity of multiplying planting materials using field multiplication plots and the macro propagator technique in order to ensure the availability of planting materials to farmers.

 Activities under mandate;

  • Evaluation of different banana cultivars for high productivity and nutrition
  • Establishment, management and maintenance of banana germplasm
  • Development and evaluation of various technologies for improved banana production
  • Production of planting materials through on farm suckers production, macro-propagation technology and tissue culture
  • Conducting consultations and training on best banana husbandry