Dr. Mganga J F Kitilu
Position: Plant physiologist
Email: kitiluj@yahoo.com
Dr. Mganga is Senior
Agricultural research officer from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute,
Based in Dar es Salaam city at TARI Mikocheni centre. He have a Diploma in
Education from Dar es Salaam teachers college, a Bsc in Agriculture from
Sokoine University of agriculture(SUA), a MSc in Agriculture From Yamaguchi
university Japan and a PhD in Botany from the University of Dar es salaam(UDSM)
He has been in the
research and training carrier for twenty-six years (26) now. And have published
several work in collaboration with other researchers from both international
and national institutions. He is now working with the Agronomy Department as a
senior scientist in Plant physiology.
1. Kitilu MJF (2021).
Physiological responses of upland rice; water and nitrogen uptakes and water
use efficiency under wet and partial drying soil conditions. International Journal of Research -
GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(6), 405-417. doi:10.29121/granthaalayah.v9.i6.2021.3914
2. Nobuhito Sekiya,
Nobuaki O, Theodore TK, Kitilu MJF,
Motonori T, Keisuke K and Hideki A (2020).
Importance of Market-oriented research for rice production in Tanzania. A
review. Agronomy for sustainable
Development (Published on line 18 February (2020) 40:7
3. Kitilu JMF (2019). Yield Gap Bridging Strategies, Rainfall Dynamics
and Water Use productivity of Selected Rainfed Rice (Oryza sativa L) in
Tanzania; The case of Ifakara, Kilombero District. (PhD Thesis) College of
Natural and Applied Sciences (CoNAS) University of Dar es salaam Tanzania; Pp
4. Kitilu MJF, Nyomora AMS, and Charles J (2019). Effects of moisture
stresses during vegetative and reproductive growth phases on productivity of six
selected rain-fed rice varieties in Ifakara, Tanzania. African Journal of Agricultural Research; 14 (2): 54 - 64.
5. Kitilu MJF, Nyomora AMS, and Charles J (2019). Growth and yield performance of selected upland and lowland
rainfed rice varieties grown in farmers’ and researchers’ managed fields at
Ifakara, Tanzania. African Journal of
Agricultural Research; 14(4): 197-208.
6. Kitilu MJF, Nyomora AMS, and Charles J (2019). Moisture requirement and water productivity of selected
rainfed rice varieties grown under controlled water environment in Ifakara,
Tanzania. Journal of cereals and
oilseeds; 10(1): 1-15.
Kitilu JMF (2011). Water and Nitrogen
uptake of upland NERICA (New Rice for Africa) as affected by water regimes and
nitrogen concentration of soils. (MSc
Thesis) School of Agriculture Yamaguchi University, Japan. Pp 59