Dr. Happyness Gabriel Mollel

Position: Molecular Plant Virologist

Email: happynessgabriel83@yahoo.com

Happyness Gabriel Mollel, a Molecular Plant Virologist, is an Agricultural research officer working for the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She is the principal investigator for pineapple project funded by Government of Tanzania through Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH). Happyness focuses her research studies on the molecular epidemiology of plant viruses infecting plants, and biotechnology.  In the past 10 years she has been working on biology of viruses causing diseases of various crops; root and tubers crops (sweet potato and cassava); grain crops (maize) and vegetable viruses and their associated DNA satellites.  She has been also working on viruses infecting non-cultivated crops. Apart from plant viruses, Happyness has been working on insect vector on understanding the biological species boundaries of the African cassava whitefly, B. tabaci and Mediterranean Ipomea whitefly, B. tabaci. Additional, she is as well involved in supervising and screening various imported seeds for the assurance of GMO elements free.