Chona Msafiri Mahushi
Position: Agricultural Officer
Email: chonamahushi@gmail.com
Chona Msafiri Mahushi
holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture General obtained at Sokoine
University of Agriculture (SUA) - Morogoro, Tanzania
(2010 - 2013). In 2013 – 2014, Mr. Chona worked at Sts. Rufino and
Rinaldo Agricultural Secondary School, Kasulu – Kigoma Tanzania as
Agriculture Subject Teacher. In 2014 – 2021, Mr. Chona worked at Tanzania
Smallholders Tea Development Ageny (TSHTDA), Mufindi and Bukoba Centers as
Agricultural Officer and Center Manager. Mr. Chona has an experience on managing
a center and provision of extension services in crop production in the area of
Good Agronomic Practices (GAP) of tea and other crops. In 2021 – To date, he
joined Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) – Mikocheni (formerly
Mikocheni Agricultural Research Institute, MARI) Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as Agricultural
Officer under
the department of Technology Transfer and Partnership (TTP), Communication and
Knowledge Management section. His daily activities are: -
i. To assist in the design of training and
capacity building programs for farmers and other stakeholder
ii. To monitor the effectiveness of training and
capacity programs as supervised and to suggest amendments based on feedback
iii. To disseminate information on new technologies
to stakeholders
iv. To assist in the supervision of multiplication
of improved technologies and innovations
v. To assist in the public educational campaigns
on the sound use of improved technologies
vi. To conduct demonstration plots
vii. To help small scale farmers to access
information and establish viable independent businesses
viii. To assist in coordination collection,
documentation and dissemination of information on agricultural research
technologies among researchers and other
ix. To assist in development and maintenance of
database of agricultural technologies
x. To assist in analyzing information with a view
to repackaging it for easy use by the user
xi. To perform any other duties as may be assigned
from time to time by the Supervisor
Since that time, he has
been one of the members in the department in dissemination of agricultural
technologies discovered by researchers at the institute.