TARI Mikocheni, in cooperation with ZARI Kizimbani, surveys CMD for the purpose of investigating/researching the contribution of sequences enhancing geminivirus symptoms (SEGS) in breaking CMD resistance in cassava varieties with resistance to CMD.
- 30th June, 2023 07:48
- News

Researchers from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute, Mikocheni Center (TARI Mikocheni) in cooperation with Zanzibar Agricultural Research Institute, Kizimbani Center (ZARI Kizimbani) did a survey on Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) for the purpose of investigating/researching the contribution of Sequences Enhancing Geminivirus Symptoms (SEGS) in breaking Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) resistance to cassava varieties with resistance to Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD). The survey took place in five different Districts i.e Kaskazini A, Kaskazini B, Magharibi A, Magharibi B and Kati districts under supervision of Evangelista Chiunga (Left) - PhD student funded by Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) susceptibility and resistance project and researcher from TARI Mikocheni. Other researchers that were involved in this survey are Mr. Deogratius Mark, Mr. Hamza Msangi and Mr. Marius Bugingo. Remember, TARI Mikocheni is implementing Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) susceptibility and resistance project. For more information about this project you can contact Dr. Joseph Ndunguru - Project Principal Investigator (PPI) through jndunguru2003@yahoo.co.uk
Ms. Evangelista Chiunga (Right) and Mr. Marius Bugingo (Left) all researchers from TARI Mikocheni trying to identify cassava plants affected by Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD).
Researchers and farmers group photo taken from one of the cassava field where samples were taken.