Students from Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) visit TARI Mikocheni for the purpose of having practical training in the laboratories.
- 18th May, 2023 07:00
- News

Students (37 Males and 29 Females) from Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) visit Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute – Mikocheni Center (TARI Mikocheni) for the purpose of having a practical training on various activities that take place in the laboratories available at the center. Under guidance of their leaders, students arrived at TARI Mikocheni in the morning and welcomed by Dr. Happyness Mollel – Acting Center Manager.
Speaking to the students, Dr. Mollel started by introducing herself followed by other researchers attended such meeting. Thereafter, Dr. Mollel briefly explained about different activities carried out by TARI Mikocheni. Dr. Mollel mentioned five different laboratories available at the center thus there is Molecular biology laboratory, Pest control laboratory, Disease control laboratory, Tissue culture laboratory and Genetic engineering laboratory. Finally, Dr. Mollel asked the students to make good use of the practical training opportunity they got so that they can get what they intended.
Students visited the laboratories and witnessed different ongoing activities. Students also were involved to do practically some of activities in the laboratories. During such practical training, the students asked various questions that were answered by the researchers.
This is a continuation of the good cooperation that exists between the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) and other higher learning institutions.
Mr. Emmanuel Haule (Right), Researcher from TARI Mikocheni explaining to the students some of activities that take place at preparatory stage in the Tissue Culture Laboratory.
Ms. Margareth Lupembe (Left), Researcher from TARI Mikocheni explaining to the students different activities that take place in the growth room/chamber in the Tissue Culture Laboratory.