Ms. Rose Emmanuel Pachi



Academic and experieince

Rose Emmanuel Pachi obtained her Certificate in Agriculture General from MATI  Nyegezi in Mwanza region then Diploma in Crop Production – MATI – Uyole, BSc in Plant science (Botany) from The Open University of Tanzania and MSc student in (Plant Science & Crop protection) - University of Nairobi- Kenya.

She started to work with Tanzania Agricultural Research Development at Kibaha Sugarcane research (SRI)  since 1999 as a field officer on breeding section, from 2003 to 2007 at Entomology section, from 2008 to 2012 on Plant physiology section also from 2013 up to now is working with Agronomy section as researcher assistant.

Rose has more than 30 year’s experiences working with Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute in different departments working as field officer and researcher assistant.