Mr. Ambilikile Mwenisongole
Email: amwenisongole@gmail.com
Education Qualification,Work and Experiences.
Prior to beginning in his current position from
January 2012 to May 2012 he worked as System of Rice Intensification(SRI)
Manager with Kilombero Plantations Limited Tanzania in Morogoro region Tanzania,
From March 2007- April 2011 he worked as operations Manager with SUNBIOFUELS TZ
in Tanzania and from October 2002 to September 2006 he worked as a Production
officer with Tanzania Tobacco Processors limited in Morogoro region Tanzania.
He has 20 years’ experience in Agriculture
sector which has equipped him with good knowledge of agricultural regulatory
processes, In-depth knowledge of agricultural, Food security, environmental
economics and policy. Also he has good experience in carrying out social
economic analysis to identify specific needs for upgrading technology, management
and organization in value chains, providing leadership and consulting services
to assisting in the development of sound Agriculture Production and marketing