Dr. Nessie Luambano
Position: Sub Centre Manager
Email: nluambano@yahoo.com
Academic qualifications, Work and Experiences
Dr Nessie Luambano is the Centre Manager Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Kibaha, Coast Region in Tanzania.
Worked as Centre Manager for TARI Kifyulilo (Dec 2021-June 2022),
Coordinator for research and innovation and sugarcane (2019-2021).
PhD in plant nematology from the University of Nairobi where she graduated in 2010.
She was employed by Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Co-operatives in 2003 as an Agriculture Research Officer I1where she went through various levels of promotion up to the level of Principal Researcher.
Professionally, Dr. Luambano has been involved in many sweet potato projects particularly on diagnostic of sweet potato virus diseases and sweet potato seed system which were mainly in collaboration with CIP and other African countries.
After her PhD in plant nematology, she worked on various project in collaboration with IITA such as vegetable and banana projects, both projects targeting ways of managing plant parasitic nematodes.
Dr. Luambano was among three Tanzanians and 20 grantees who won grant under program for emerging agricultural research leaders (PEARL) granted by Gates Foundation.
In addition, she received a two year grant from from commission of science and technology (COSTECH). Currently, she is leading Tanzania team on management of nematodes on yam, project funded by AgBiome from North Carolina, USA.
Dr. Luambano is a member of several Professional associations which are Tanzania women leaders in agriculture and environment (TAWLAE), nematology initiative for Eastern and Southern Africa (NIESA) and Society of nematologis t (SoN).
Dr. Luambano is among the 2013 fellows for African women in agriculture research and development (AWARD) and beneficiary of NORAD and Roth Amsted scholarships.
Since 2005, she has attended several international conferences and symposium where she has presented more than 20 papers orally and inform of posters and her papers are in proceedings of the meetings.
To date, Dr. Luambano has published 16 papers in peer reviewed journals.
Dr. Luambano’s interest is on management of plant parasitic nematodes for improved crop production especially to small scale farmers.