Dr. Mariam Mtunguja
Email: mkmtunguja@gmail.com
qualifications, Work and Experiences
Dr Mariam
Mtunguja a postharvest management specialist and is currently heading a
postharvest unit at TARI Kibaha. She has more than 15 years’ experience in
agricultural research.
as National Coordinator for Postharvest management Program at TARI Ilonga (Dec
2018-July2021), before moving to TARI Kibaha.
Mtunguja holds a BSc in Food Science and Technology (SUA), MSc in Food
technology majoring in postharvest engineering (KU Leuven) and PhD in Food
Technology (SUA and UC Davis)
was employed by Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Co-operatives in 2005
as Agricultural tutor and from 2007 as an Agriculture Research Officer and went
through various levels of promotion up to the level of Senior Researcher.
Dr. Mtunguja has been involved in many postharvest projects particularly in
product development, quality assurance, process design and promotion of bio fortified crops Both projects were aimed at improving food and nutrition
security for rural people.
Dr. Mtunguja
is former Borlaug LEAP fellow, whereby the program is designed to mentor a new generation of agriculture
scientists and educators who can sustain scientific innovation for development
and work to address issues of food security. During the program she was able to
characterize cassava starch from local cassava elites for suitability in
processing industries and promote the potential of cassava to alleviate rural
poverty .of starch. Moreover, from this work she managed to publish 4 peer
reviewed journal papers. To date Dr Mtunguja has total of 13 papers in peer
review journals.