Dr. Geoffrey Mkamilo (Director General ) visits TARI Ilonga to monitor research activities and crop development at the centre
- 24th March, 2022 19:26
- News

On his normal daily routine, Director General (DG) for Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) Dr. Geoffrey Mkamilo had a visit at TARI -Ilonga to monitor research activities and crop development. During his visit, DG managed to see the implementation of increasing availability and access to Sunflower seeds to farmers where TARI Ilonga has been given a target to cultivate 120 hectors (ha) of basic seeds. He was informed that so far 100 (ha) has been cultivated and 36 (ha) been planted, while the remaining hectors are on due of being planted to meet the government strategic plan to reduce shortage of edible oils in the country." I want TARI Ilonga management team to mobilize all available resources and efforts that will result into implementation of this plan". Insisted Dr. Mkamilo. Meanwhile, Director General had also an opportunity to have a meeting with all TARI Ilonga workers where he asked them to work hard as a team to meet TARI objectives.
Centre Director Dr. Lameck Makoye Nyaligwa (Left) giving a word of thanks to Director General (Light)
TARI Ilonga workers during their meeting with DG
Mr. Ismail Ngolinda (Head of Research Program) giving a brief on Sorghum research to Journalist during a visit of Director General at the centre