Dr. Richard Kasuga
Position: Communication and Knowledge Management Specialist
Email: richard.kusuga2@tari.go.tz
Richard Kasuga
Richard Kasuga is currently
working at the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), as Knowledge
Management and Communication Manager at the Directorate of Technology Transfer
and Partnership. Before joining TARI, Kasuga worked with the International Institute
of Tropical agriculture (IITA) (July 2017 to December 2018) where he was Senior
Country Coordinator of Building Nutritious Food Baskets (BNFB) project in
Tanzania. While at IITA, in
collaboration with BNFB team, Kasuga provided leadership on advocacy activities
for BNFB project in Tanzania. BNFB was testing a scaling up model through multi
–crop (food basket) approach to contribute to the reduction of hidden hunger by
catalyzing sustainable investment for the production and utilization of
biofortified crops namely orange –fleshed sweet potato, pro-vitamin A maize and
high iron/zinc beans. As part of his responsibilities, Kasuga teamed up with
other staff in resource mobilization through writing of concept notes and writing
fundable proposals.
Kasuga was appointed to kick
start the establishment of the Government Communication unit at the Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives in 2004 leaving his former Department of Research
and Development. Since then he has successfully
served as Head of Government Communications and Spokesperson at the Ministry.
Kasuga has served as a
Communication team member of the Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA)
project since 2008. He has served as an Advocate of Reaching Agents of Change
(RAC) Project to promote investment and utilization of Orange Fleshed Sweet
Potatoes for Combating Vitamin A Deficiency. He worked as a Member of National
Steering Committee for Regional Agricultural Information Network (RAIN) of the
Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research for Eastern and Central
Africa (ASARECA). He has served as a Board member of Sokoine University
National Agricultural Library (SNAIL); and also, a Secretary of the Ministerial
Advisory Board of Agricultural Seed Agency (ASA).
For the period of 15 years he
worked as agricultural researcher and information specialist at the Department
of Research and Development where he served as a database management expert,
editor and writer of research and training newsletter and has participated in
writing several other documents on agriculture.
During his carrier he has worked
as a trainer and resource person of several workshops and seminars on
agricultural information management. He has been a team leader and national
coordinator of GIS activities in Tanzania.
He has led several other teams to
prepare agricultural sector information and knowledge management strategy
documents. He has a strong leadership
background in development, strategic communication, negotiation skills, public
relations, and sustainable agriculture; with knowledge of national agricultural
research systems and key agricultural research and extension policies.
Over the years, Kasuga has
developed a strong leadership capacity and ability to work in teams. He has
developed strong working relations with the mass media through a network of
journalists in mainstream and community media. He can interact with various
stakeholders through his working knowledge on social media such as blogs,
facebook and twitter. He can interact directly with the public through TV and
radio talk shows, organizing and conducting press briefings, responding queries
via twitter, facebook and other social networks. He has a long experience and
working knowledge on ICTs particularly web design, content management, database
management, library information automation systems and geographic Information
Kasuga is a trainer and
facilitator who has worked as a resource person and facilitated in a number of
workshops and seminars. He is a leader, an excellent communicator (written and
spoken) and a manager who is capable of working under pressure to meet strict
deadlines. He is a strategist, team builder, diligent, obedient, honest and