Quarterly Report on Research, Management and Coordination Progress, 1st April to 30th June 2023
- 26th September, 2023 11:00
- Reports
Publication Year : 0000
Author(s) : Fred Tairo (Ph.D)
In this forth quarter, the institute planned to implement 11 activities using its own source and government development funds. The planned activities were:
- Weeding and maintenance of coconut seed farms and trials in Chambezi and Mkuranga sub stations
- Planting of coconut seeds in the nursery to produce seedlings for planting in the short rains season 2023
- Finalizing data taking, analysis and report writings for fertilizer efficacy evaluation trial, and projects final reports for SASSA and FRESH in collaboration with World Vegetable Centre
- Completion of the project ‘Combating Arthropods Pest for food security and Climate Resilience’’ (CAP) activity on field surveys in 2 districts in Morogoro region Conducting Training of Trainers (TOTs) on fruit flies and T.absoluta IPM in collaboration with scientists from ICIPE
- Mass multiplication of sisal and pineapple seedlings using tissue culture technology
- Monitoring the demonstration plots in three sites for pineapple seedlings
- Provision of laboratory screening services to crop regulatory authorities
- Analysis of laboratory results and report writing of oil palm fingerprinting
- Establish four Results demonstration plots at the AgriTecH(s)Hubs to disseminate technologies developed during Nane Nane show
- Disseminate Agric. technologies to different stakeholders through various platforms
Thus, using the available support, the institute recorded significant achievements in its planned research activities in this quarter. Click the attached report for further details.