Profit Analysis of Virus Free Sweet Potato and Vine Multiplication by Smallholder Farmers in Selected Regions of Tanzania
- 2nd April, 2022 09:15
- Papers
Author(s) : Castory Kibiki, Khamadin Daud Mutabazi1, Fred Tairo
Sweet potato production using certified virus free vines and virus free vine multiplication promote high yields which are significant for enhancing food security and income generation among small holder farmers. This study examines the cost and benefit of sweet potato tuber production using certified virus free vines and virus free vine multiplication among smallholder farmers in the Lake Victoria and Coastal Zones in Tanzania. Primary data were collected from 495 sweet potato farmers and virus free vine multipliers using survey tool (questionnaire). About 362 farmers who are producers sweet potato tubers and 133 farmers who are virus free vine producers were chosen from each zone using simple random sampling technique. The cost and benefit analysis were calculated using Microsoft Excel 2007. The findings of the study showed that the benefit of sweet potato production using certified virus free vines in Lake Victoria Zone was 1,284,665.64 Tanzanian shillings per hectare and that in Coastal Zone was 1,159,524.60 Tanzanian shillings per hectare. Furthermore, was revealed that benefit of virus free sweet potato vine multiplication in Lake Zone was 219,086.54 Tanzanian shillings per hectare and in Coastal Zone was 305 948.59 Tanzanian shillings per hectare. The Benefit Cost Ratio obtained in sweet potato production using certified virus free vines in Lake Zone was 5.04 per hectare and Coastal zone was 3.71 per hectare. The Benefit Cost Ratio obtained in virus free sweet potato vine multiplication in Lake Zone was 2.91 per hectare and Coastal zone was 2.11 per hectare. Therefore, investment in sweet potato tuber production using virus free vines and virus free vine multiplication is worth undertaking in both Zones since farmers generate profit and hence enhanced food security.